Sunday, October 25, 2015

Does My Insurance Pay For That?

"Does my insurance pay for that?"  This is a question we often get asked at the Walton Clinic.  It's a valid question...we understand that.  The depends.  Most of the time...yes, your insurance will HELP with the cost of treatment.  Some factors that alter what is covered could be your particular policy, your deductible, your co-pay, etc.  I will say, our staff does an awesome job at calling on the behalf of each of our patients and getting the best estimate as to what services are covered.

THE BIG QUESTION that should be asked though is 'who is really in charge of your health?'  Should your insurance company really be in charge of your health, or determine how much care you need?  It seems many times we see people not start care or not follow through with care because their insurance doesn't pay for all or a good portion of their care.  Some other questions to consider...does your insurance company pay for your GYM MEMBERSHIP (if you have one)?  When you go to the GROCERY store, does your insurance company pay for your FRUIT, VEGGIES, or other HEALTH food?  

We're guessing not.

One of the beefs we often hear people have with Chiropractic is that it costs too much.  Have you ever heard a rumor and then gone back to the source of that rumor and found it was totally incorrect?  Would you be surprised to know that Chiropractic is actually one of the least costly forms of healthcare?  It is!  People who use Chiropractic care actually spend less money over the course of their life on other forms of care including prescriptions, surgeries and therapies.  So, if you're going to spend money, which would you rather spend it on....staying healthy and living a fuller life, or surgery, recovery and potentially further complications?

We'll leave you with this...
"Spend your time and money for health now, 
or spend your time and money for illness later.  
The CHOICE is YOURS!" -Dr. Matt Link, DC

If you have any question of whether Chiropractic may benefit you, 
contact us at the Walton Clinic or call (217) 544-4000.

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