Monday, March 28, 2016

What Texting Does to Your Neck....

Have you ever wondered what texting does to your neck?  
Probably not....but, you may want to watch this.

The doctors at the Walton Clinic of Chiropractic in Springfield, IL see many people DAILY who's health has been improved by helping them restore proper positioning and function of their spine.  
Contact us for more info or to schedule a consultation at no charge.  or  (217) 544-4000

That Should Fix It?

Does this really "FIX" the problem???

Contact us at Walton Clinic of Chiropractic, Springfield, IL
(217) 544-4000

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Spinal Fusion Surgery?

WHAT THE.....?! This is what a typical spinal fusion surgery looks like. *warning: video may be graphic for some. Let's cover some reasons why this surgery makes NO sense.

1) There is ABSOLUTELY no research spinal fusion benefits a person (long term) UNLESS the spine is unstable. I hope most people plan on living long after they've had surgery.

2) The spine isn't moving/functioning properly which caused the herniation, degeneration, arthritis, etc in the first place. So, let's FUSE the spine to further prevent motion in the spine because that's going to help the problem????

3) Spinal surgeries have proven SOOOO successful over the years...right? Oh, so that's why the MAJOR INSURANCE companies had to create a specific code for FAILED BACK SURGERY.

4) Traditionally, the need for spinal surgery is based on the presence of a disc herniation confirmed on MRI, YET, research has shown time and time again that (conservatively) 60% of the population have DISC BULGES (confirmed on MRI) and have NO back pain whatsoever. Maybe it's not the bulge that's causing the problem???

5) Research continues to show that conservative care, i.e. Chiropractic and Physical Therapy (restoring proper motion & strengthening the musculature respectively) combined provide better long term outcomes in not only reducing pain, but increasing function and stopping and reversing the degenerative process.

6) We hear time and time again "Well, my insurance will pay for the surgery but will only cover a limited number of treatments for Chiropractic & PT." THIS is why your insurance rates continue to skyrocket. You elect to have a surgery which costs thousands of dollars and your insurance company pays for it. Insurance companies are in the business to make MONEY....NOT to make sure you're healthy. YOUR job is to make sure you're healthy.

Do you need any more reasons NOT to have spinal surgery, because I can keep going???
#WaltonClinicCanHelp #YourFamilyChiro #Springfield
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