Unless you've been living under a rock lately, you've probably heard of this little movie by the name Star Wars: The Force Awakens coming out on December 18th. And you probably know these movies tell of an ongoing battle between the Jedi (the good guys) and the Dark Side. Both utilize 'the force,' which is first described by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi as "an energy field created by all living things, that surrounds and penetrates living beings and binds the galaxy together." Basically, this 'force' allows the characters to be more "in-tune" with other people and their environment allowing them to move quicker and concentrate deeper.

As crazy and sci-fi as it may sound, we all really do have an Inner Force that controls our body and allows us to be "in-tune" with our environment. What is this 'force?' You know it as your nervous system. The central nervous system is the Master Controller of your body. It controls and coordinates every cell, tissue and organ and organ system, i.e. heart, lungs, digestion, immune system, reproductive system, etc.
The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. The brain is protected by the skull and the spinal cord is protected by the vertebral column. Unfortunately, due to certain stresses (whether physical, chemical, or emotional) the bones of the vertebral column can become misaligned. This misalignment disrupts the signal (the FORCE) from your brain to your body and body back to the brain. This disruption leads to what we call "dis-ease." Most people recognize dis-ease as fatigue, lack of concentration, indigestion, headaches, difficulties breathing (asthma), constipation, joint pain, etc. Their Inner Force becomes disrupted and this dis-ease can lead to disease.
Because the alignment and function of your spine is so detrimental to the function of your nervous system, we strongly encourage everyone to get their spine checked by a Chiropractor on a regular basis. Put aside whatever misconceptions you may have or have heard of Chiropractic and "Awaken Your Inner Force!"
Need some encouragement to get checked?
Check out our Toys for Tots campaign this month.
Check our website at Walton Clinic or call us at (217) 544-4000.
May the FORCE be with YOU!
- Dr. Matt Link, DC
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