You see, all too often we get caught up in the physical component of our health, i.e. diet and exercise, etc. We even stress those components to a greater degree in our office. But, something that is often overlooked and has a huge impact on our health as well is the mental component of our health. Now, I'm not a self-help guru by any means, but I do know how the nervous system works and that it controls EVERYTHING in your body. So, to me, it's safe to say that by 'feeding' your brain with everything good....including thoughts will produce a positive outcome.

My challenge....
I challenge you (as I'm challenging myself) to review this creed (video below). Make some changes in how you speak to others and yourself, if changes are needed. I think you'll see how your physiology and health changes. I think you'll also be surprised at the impact you'll have on the physiology and health of those you interact with.
We've seen time and time again at the Walton Clinic of Chiropractic, those who get adjusted on a regular basis tend to 'carry' themselves differently and in a more positive manor. Without even realizing it, there's often a transformation in not only how they move, but also in how they communicate with others, and it all boils down to what you feed the nervous system.
If you'd like more information on Chiropractic, our office, or health in general,
contact the Walton Clinic (click here) or call us at (217) 544-4000.
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