Sunday, December 13, 2015

Awaken Your Inner Force Through Chiropractic

What do Star Wars & Chiropractic have in common?
What exactly is your 'Inner Force?'  Watch below to find out!
New to our office?  Want to try Chiropractic, but unsure about many things?  Receive a Consultation, Examination and Xrays at NO CHARGE when you bring in a new un-wrapped toy for our Toys For Tots campaign. 
(now through Dec. 18th)

Monday, November 23, 2015

Can You Believe This?

Last week the American Medical Association came out supporting a ban on pharmaceutical advertising (full article in the Washington Post).  This was a major step for the medical community.  There's no way to sugar coat the reality that the pharmaceutical companies are in business to make money.  As they say, "the proof is in the numbers."  From 1997 to 2007, direct to consumer advertising went from $300 million to $3 BILLION.  This has led to many problems, one being driving up the cost of healthcare.  Another problem is that the doctors aren't allowed to be doctors, meaning patients come in with a certain complaint and demanding a medication they saw on tv.  Unfortunately, this form of healthcare is just chasing symptoms.  Which is why you hear of people who get on one medication and eventually end up on multiple meds.  One med to counteract the adverse symptoms of the previous med.  

Fortunately, everyone already has access to a form of healthcare that doesn't chase symptoms and gets to the CAUSE of the problem.  That healthcare is Chiropractic.  Surprised?  You see, Chiropractic works to detect problems in the function of the nervous system.  And, the nervous system controls how the entire body functions.  The spine has a direct impact on how the brain and spinal cord function which is why Chiropractic works so well!  With a carefully and specific adjustment, Chiropractors work better motion and position of the spine improving the communication from the brain to the body and the body to the brain.  Many people enjoy improved energy, better sleep, better digestion, better immune function, and much, much more.  People who typically have headaches or migraines have a remarked decrease.  All because the nervous system is functioning better!

If you've ever wondered if Chiropractic can help you, or maybe you're unsure about Chiropractic but would like to learn more, schedule a time at Walton Clinic to sit down with the doctors to discuss your concerns.  Or, call our office at (217) 544-4000.

Finally, now's a great time to get checked!  Find out how you can save money on your initial visit by helping our Toys For Tots campaign.  

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Awaken Your Inner Force

*(Make sure you read entirely to see our special offer.)

Unless you've been living under a rock lately, you've probably heard of this little movie by the name Star Wars: The Force Awakens coming out on December 18th.  And you probably know these movies tell of an ongoing battle between the Jedi (the good guys) and the Dark Side.  Both utilize 'the force,' which is first described by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi as "an energy field created by all living things, that surrounds and penetrates living beings and binds the galaxy together."  Basically, this 'force' allows the characters to be more "in-tune" with other people and their environment allowing them to move quicker and concentrate deeper.

As crazy and sci-fi as it may sound, we all really do have an Inner Force that controls our body and allows us to be "in-tune" with our environment.  What is this 'force?'  You know it as your nervous system.  The central nervous system is the Master Controller of your body.  It controls and coordinates every cell, tissue and organ and organ system, i.e. heart, lungs, digestion, immune system, reproductive system, etc.

The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.  The brain is protected by the skull and the spinal cord is protected by the vertebral column.  Unfortunately, due to certain stresses (whether physical, chemical, or emotional) the bones of the vertebral column can become misaligned.  This misalignment disrupts the signal (the FORCE) from your brain to your body and body back to the brain.  This disruption leads to what we call "dis-ease."  Most people recognize dis-ease as fatigue, lack of concentration, indigestion, headaches, difficulties breathing (asthma), constipation, joint pain, etc.  Their Inner Force becomes disrupted and this dis-ease can lead to disease.

Because the alignment and function of your spine is so detrimental to the function of your nervous system, we strongly encourage everyone to get their spine checked by a Chiropractor on a regular basis.  Put aside whatever misconceptions you may have or have heard of Chiropractic and "Awaken Your Inner Force!"

Need some encouragement to get checked?  
Check out our Toys for Tots campaign this month.


Check our website at Walton Clinic or call us at (217) 544-4000.

May the FORCE be with YOU!

- Dr. Matt Link, DC

Toys For Tots

Let's Bring It!!!

Our goal is to fill our office 
with toys and make sure that 
no child goes without a toy this Christmas!  


Because giving just feels good and it's the 
right thing to do!

BUT, here's what we're doing for you.....

For those who are NOT currently 
Chiropractic patients in our office:

Bring in a NEW un-wrapped gift 
and receive a CONSULTATION, 
EXAM, & XRAYS (if needed) 

We'd like the opportunity to see if we can help 
you with problem you may have been putting 
off getting taken care of.  Now is the perfect 
time to find out if Chiropractic can help you or 
a loved one with those aches and pains or with 
improving your overall health!
**We're sorry, but due to government regulations, 
our offer excludes those with Medicare/Medicaid.

For our current patients:

We ask that you do the same....bring in a 
NEW un-wrapped gift to give a child that 
may otherwise not have a happy holiday.


See our reason above!  :)

This offer runs through 
Friday, December 18th, 2015 don't put it off!!!

Contact Walton Clinic (click here) or 
call our office at (217) 544-4000 
for more info.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Promise Yourself (a Mental Adjustment)

Today, I had the opportunity to attend a group with a fantastic message.  The name of this group, Optimist International, gives you some insight of what they're about.  But, it was their creed which they recite that got me thinking about how we should interact with other people, how we should interact with ourselves and how both affect our health.  

You see, all too often we get caught up in the physical component of our health, i.e. diet and exercise, etc.  We even stress those components to a greater degree in our office.  But, something that is often overlooked and has a huge impact on our health as well is the mental component of our health.  Now, I'm not a self-help guru by any means, but I do know how the nervous system works and that it controls EVERYTHING in your body.  So, to me, it's safe to say that by 'feeding' your brain with everything good....including thoughts will produce a positive outcome.

My challenge....

I challenge you (as I'm challenging myself) to review this creed (video below).  Make some changes in how you speak to others and yourself, if changes are needed.  I think you'll see how your physiology and health changes.  I think you'll also be surprised at the impact you'll have on the physiology and health of those you interact with.

We've seen time and time again at the Walton Clinic of Chiropractic, those who get adjusted on a regular basis tend to 'carry' themselves differently and in a more positive manor.  Without even realizing it, there's often a transformation in not only how they move, but also in how they communicate with others, and it all boils down to what you feed the nervous system.

If you'd like more information on Chiropractic, our office, or health in general, 
contact the Walton Clinic (click here) or call us at (217) 544-4000.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Does My Insurance Pay For That?

"Does my insurance pay for that?"  This is a question we often get asked at the Walton Clinic.  It's a valid question...we understand that.  The depends.  Most of the time...yes, your insurance will HELP with the cost of treatment.  Some factors that alter what is covered could be your particular policy, your deductible, your co-pay, etc.  I will say, our staff does an awesome job at calling on the behalf of each of our patients and getting the best estimate as to what services are covered.

THE BIG QUESTION that should be asked though is 'who is really in charge of your health?'  Should your insurance company really be in charge of your health, or determine how much care you need?  It seems many times we see people not start care or not follow through with care because their insurance doesn't pay for all or a good portion of their care.  Some other questions to consider...does your insurance company pay for your GYM MEMBERSHIP (if you have one)?  When you go to the GROCERY store, does your insurance company pay for your FRUIT, VEGGIES, or other HEALTH food?  

We're guessing not.

One of the beefs we often hear people have with Chiropractic is that it costs too much.  Have you ever heard a rumor and then gone back to the source of that rumor and found it was totally incorrect?  Would you be surprised to know that Chiropractic is actually one of the least costly forms of healthcare?  It is!  People who use Chiropractic care actually spend less money over the course of their life on other forms of care including prescriptions, surgeries and therapies.  So, if you're going to spend money, which would you rather spend it on....staying healthy and living a fuller life, or surgery, recovery and potentially further complications?

We'll leave you with this...
"Spend your time and money for health now, 
or spend your time and money for illness later.  
The CHOICE is YOURS!" -Dr. Matt Link, DC

If you have any question of whether Chiropractic may benefit you, 
contact us at the Walton Clinic or call (217) 544-4000.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Conversation with a New Mom

Dr. Matt had a great conversation with a new mom this morning at the Walton Clinic!  Her son started life with colic...making life miserable for him, but also for mom & dad.  Their pediatrician basically told them he'd grow out of it.  Mom is concerned (as she should be) that his colic could be a sign of something else going on....and she's RIGHT.  

You see, just because something like colic is common with infants and they'll 'grow out of it,' doesn't make it NORMAL or right.  More and more research is showing that 80-90% of all newborns have suffered from SPINAL STRAIN during the birth process.  

As our conversation continued, mom relayed that her son may indeed be 'growing out' of the colic, but is now very congested and showing signs of a possible ear infection and having problems with constipation.  I explained to her this is a very common path we see in kids as they come into our office and are all subtle signs of SPINAL MISALIGNMENT that is causing stress to her son's nervous system.  Babies don't come to us because they're in pain or having a headache, etc.  They come to us because they're not able to live their life to their fullest potential because their nervous system is under constant stress.  And, going a step further, had mom come to us while she was pregnant or even before that, we could have helped make pregnancy and delivery easier for both her and baby...putting less strain on her newborn's spine from the get-go.

Mom went on to say how NERVOUS she was to bring her infant child to a Chiropractor.  That's understandable was my initial response.  I followed that up with the fact that Chiropractic is actually one of the safest forms of healthcare.  Don't take my word for it!  If you look at malpractice insurance for healthcare providers, Chiropractors actually pay a fraction of what the typical Medical Doctor pays.  Which quite plainly means, if we were hurting people we would be either out of business or our insurance rates would be through the roof.  The great thing about what we as Chiropractors do, is we can modify our techniques for our pediatric patients to provide a safe, gentle and effective adjustment.

That being said, if you owned a Ferrari, you wouldn't want to take it to just any mechanic down the
street because he was close or didn't charge much.  You'd want to take it to someone with training and experience.  Same goes true for your body and especially that of a child/infant.  Both Drs. Adrian Walton and Matt Link have the training and experience with working with infants.

As mom and I finished our conversation, she asked "why don't more people know about this."  I wish I had a good answer for that.  I think mainly it's fear of the unknown.  BUT, that is our make it KNOWN what we can do for you and your family.

If you are unsure if Chiropractic would be beneficial for you or your child, give Walton Clinic a call:  (217) 544-4000.  The docs would be happy to schedule a consultation (at NO CHARGE) to discuss your problems, explain more about what we do, and see if we may be able to help.  

Monday, October 12, 2015

How Did That Happen?

It seems like many times a week at the Walton Clinic of Chiropractic, when the doctors are going over x-rays with patients, we get asked the question "how did that happen?"  They usually ask that when their x-rays look horrible.  Now, the first assumption most people have is "shouldn't that patient know what happened to them?"  More often than not, patients tell us something like, "well, the pain just came on a few years ago and has been gradually more frequent/intense."  The answer to the "how did that happen" question is both easy and complex.

You see, degeneration on x-rays can occur usually one of two ways.  One, the person is in a traumatic accident.  We all know the story of Christopher Reeve who was famous for playing 'Superman' in the movies.  Several years ago he suffered an upper neck injury when he fell off a horse.   That trauma severely and quickly altered the function of his entire nervous system not allowing his muscles and organs to function properly from his neck down.  The other way most people's spines degenerate are from what we see most often in our office. We are seeing more and more patients who under go multiple 'minor' traumas over a period of years.  And, most people don't even know they are undergoing these traumas.  Poor posture, working at a computer for long hours, repeated smart phone use, talking on the phone, reading a book, poor sleeping positions, repetitive use activities, etc.  These are just a few examples.
Case in point, here's is a neck x-ray of a 15 year old in our office.  At 15 years old, he is already showing signs of degeneration by how straight his spine is from this view...with NO TRAUMA, and no pain in his neck for that matter.  Research shows that an x-ray like this will lead to issues like headaches, eye problems fatigue/thyroid problems, concentration difficulties, and asthma.

This is why we highly encourage everyone to take care of their posture, and get their spine checked regularly, even from a young age.  Think it's not happening to you?  How do you know?  It's time to put aside the belief that 'Chiropractic doesn't work,' or 'kids shouldn't get checked.'  Chiropractic itself has been around for over 100 years, and treatment of the spine through adjustments have been around for thousands of years.

For more information on Chiropractic, or to set up an appointment, give our office a call at (217) 544-4000 or go to

Monday, October 5, 2015

Pregnancy, Children, and Chiropractic

In the video below, Drs. Adrian Walton and Matt Link of Walton Clinic discuss a couple things regarding pregnancy and pediatric chiropractic that Dr. Matt learned at a recent seminar.  This is just the tip of the iceburg.  Soon, Dr. Matt will discuss Chiropractic Webster Technique that is used to allow breech babies to turn naturally and for allowing the birth process to be easier for both mother and baby.

For more information, contact our office at (217) 544-4000 or go to

Friday, October 2, 2015

Can Chiropractic Help Colic?

The doctors at Walton Clinic of Chiropractic often get asked "can Chiropractic help my baby with colic?"  We almost always get that look that jokingly says "well, while I'm here, I'll ask."  Then, comes the look of astonishment when we reply with "yes!"

The next question that usually comes is "how does that work?"  In a nutshell, it comes down to how that child's nervous system is functioning.  You see, the nervous system is the 'master controller' of the body.  It controls how our muscles and joints move, but on a deeper level, the nervous system controls ALL cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems...which includes digestion, cardiovascular, reproductive and immune systems, etc.

Research by several Medical Doctors have repeatedly shown that when a baby is born (doesn't matter whether natural or assisted) there is at LEAST 60lbs. of force that is applied to that baby's head and neck.  Now, imagine if someone came along and picked up your baby by it's head...and then add a 50lb. weight on top of that.  What kind of stress would that do?  The research goes on to show that between 80%-90% of newborns have sustained trauma to the neck during the birth process...often going 'undetected'....but showing in symptoms in the form of COLIC.  Colic is your baby's nervous system under stress and under constant 'protection mode.'

"You CAN'T be in growth and protection at the same time."
- Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD (stem cell biologist)

Pediatric and family Chiropractors, like the doctors at Walton Clinic, are specially trained and use very safe and specific techniques designed to free up nervous system disturbances allowing your child to grow and thrive the way you hoped they would.

Contact Walton Clinic of Chiropractic today for more information.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Listen To Your Body

Is your body 'speaking to you?'  Whether you're an expecting mother or not, it's good practice to take a moment to 'listen' to your body.  Making a regular habit of this, you will often times know when something isn't just right.  Time and time again we hear our patients tell us something to the affect of "such and such has been going on for a long time, but it comes and goes."  Or, they may say "I just got used to the pain."  Your body will give you little warning signals of a a fire alarm going off in your house.  Aches and pains are the most obvious signs, but you'd do well to consider indigestion or other digestive issues, cramping, tingling/numbness, etc.
We've found that when our expecting mothers are getting adjusted, they become more aware of their bodies and how they respond.  This also holds true for others as well.  This is because your nervous system, which controls EVERY aspect of how your body functions and responds, is functioning at a higher level.  This is increasingly important for new parents as they are functioning at a higher level, they are able to respond to the needs of their newborn better.

If you would like to get you or your child checked, contact our office today.  For more information, go to

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I've Tried Everything

At least 5-6 times per week, the doctors at Walton Clinic hear "I've tried everything, and my pain (problem, etc.) has not gone away." After a thorough conversation, we discover the things they tried or the recommendations that were made to them did not get down to the root or  the CAUSE of their problem.  They were merely pushed out the door with something that masks the symptoms they are experiencing.  

Symptoms DO NOT equal cause.  Symptoms are the RESULT of some sort of DYS-function.  Drs. Adrian Walton and Matt Link are trained to get to the CAUSE of the problem.  If that problem is something we can help correct, we let our patients know.  If it's not, we do our best for each patient to find the help they need.  

If you would like more info about our office, visit our website