Monday, December 26, 2016

The health benefits of fruit-infused water

The health benefits of fruit-infused water

fruit infused water

Water is necessary to maintain a healthy body but it is not always easy to drink the optimal amount. This is where fruit-infused water can help.

WebMD emphasizes the importance of replenishing water. Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD, writes that water helps maintain balance in bodily fluids, controls caloric intake, energizes the muscles, hydrates skin, flushes the kidneys, and reduces constipation.
Rebecca Lewis, in-house dietitian for HelloFresh, points out that water comprises 60 percent of the human body. Throughout the course of the day, we lose water through perspiration, breathing, and urinary output.
“This means we have to down a ton to make up what’s lost daily. To put it in perspective, you need to drink four 16-ounce glasses of water or two-and-a-half large water bottles per day,” she says. “That may seem like a lot of water, but it’s worth it for your overall health, energy levels, and waistline. Oftentimes, when you feel hungry, it’s really just your body sending a signal that you’re dehydrated.”

Water with flavor

Unfortunately, plain water does nothing to tempt the taste buds. But there is a way to add some zip to your H2O and derive some health benefits in the process.
“The culinary team at HelloFresh has come up with some refreshingly tasty and unbelievably easy fruit-infused water ideas to jazz up those tasteless drinks without adding extra sugar, calories, or artificial flavors,” says Lewis. “Halve or quarter softer fruits such as strawberries, while thinly slicing tougher ones such as apples, and add cold or room-temperature filtered water.”
Be sure to wash fruits or veggies before adding to your water, she advises.
Herbs can also spice up water, according to Lewis. “Use a wooden spoon or muddler to tear and crush them, releasing their natural extracts and oils,” she says.
Statistics show that the fruit-infused water trend is spreading. Lindsey Cummins, CEO of Winq, a social polling app for millennials, reports that based on their polls, 39 percent of their users add some sort of fruit to their water almost every single day, and 57 percent of their users prefer the taste of water with fruit in it as opposed to plain water. “Seventy-eight percent of our users find fruit water much more refreshing and detoxing than regular water,” she says, adding that lemons and limes, strawberries, watermelon, and oranges are the top four fruits people choose.
While fruit and veggie-infused water provides plenty of nutritional benefits and enhances taste, there are some tips that will ensure your water is fresh and safe.
Lewis reports that infused water can remain out of the refrigerator for a maximum of two hours. “After that, there’s a risk of bacterial growth, so it’s best to store in the fridge. If you want to save the water for the next day, just strain out the solids before refrigerating for two to three days,” she says. “Unpeeled citrus lends a bitter taste to water after four hours, so if you’re planning to make a big batch to last the afternoon, peel off the skin before infusing.”

Health benefits of fruit water

 Toby Amidor, MS, nutrition expert and author of The Greek Yogurt Kitchen: More than 130 delicious, healthy recipes for every meal of the day, reports that fruit-infused water “adds flavor but few calories, making it a good replacement for other calorie-heavy beverages.”
She points out that fruit provides important vitamins and minerals as well as flavor. “But it’s important to understand that the vitamin content will diminish with long exposure to water. As such, cut fruit into large chunks and add just before serving,” she says. “Minerals can seep into water and are not destroyed as easily as vitamins. Minerals such as potassium, found in all fruits, will seep into the water. Citrus fruit and berries have a healthy dose of potassium and are a flavorful addition to water.”
The next time you cruise the fruit and vegetable aisle at your favorite grocery store, consider adding a few extra oranges, berries, or cucumbers to your shopping cart. Your taste buds and your body will thank you.

Recipes for fruit water

According to HelloFresh, you can’t go wrong, no matter which fruits, veggies, herbs, or spices you add to your water. In fact, mixing and matching can lead to some interesting results. Here are a few of HelloFresh’s favorite infused water combinations:
  1. Blueberries and lemon
  1. Cucumbers, lemon, and basil
  1. Grapefruit and rosemary
  1. Raspberries, lime, and mint
  1. Strawberries, mint, and lemon

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Chiropractic IS More

Chiropractic is more, MUCH more, than what most people think.  Read what others have experienced with Chiropractic in this quick BLOG Article: Click HERE.

Contact our office at (217) 544-4000 or go to our website for more info at Walton Clinic.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Ear Infections | How Can Chiropractic Help???

Have you ever considered why your kids' ears get infected? Have you ever wondered why we hear all the time our kids shouldn't be taking so many antibiotics, BUT that's all our pediatricians seem to prescribe? Watch this short video explaining ear infections and how Chiropractic can possibly help. Schedule a consultation at #WaltonClinicCanHelp#YourFamilyChiro #SpringfieldIL

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Free Massage Event

Have you heard we're doing FREE stress break massages for local businesses and organizations?  Here are some pics from our latest event.

Schedule your event by calling (217) 544-4000 or go to

Friday, July 22, 2016

The 5 Most Addictive Substances on Earth

Very interesting read.  Read Here:  The 5 Most Addictive Substances
Numbers 1 & 2 doesn't surprise us as they both have chemical similarities to common pain killers & ADD/ADHD medications respectively....both of which are 2 of the most commonly prescribed medications today.  Coincidence??? #TheWorldNeedsChiropractic #WaltonClinicCanHelp #SpringfieldIL

Schedule a consultation today at:

Monday, July 11, 2016

Vertigo & the Cervical Spine

"Degenerative or traumatic changes of the cervical spine (i.e. the neck) can induce altered sensory input causing vertigo."  "In summary, vertigo can be accompanied by cervical pain, associated with head injury, whiplash injury, or cervical spine disease."  

Basically, degeneration, decay, arthritis (whatever you want to call it) can disrupt proper nerve signals to your brain leading to many being vertigo.  Our question is this...when do you think this degeneration begins?  A trip or fall?  A car accident?  Or, maybe when you were learning to walk and fell multiple times?  Or, maybe when you were learning to ride your bike and fell to the ground? 

Take care of your spine now.  Get your children's spine checked to lessen their possibility of spinal decay.  #WaltonClinicCanHelp #SpringfieldIL Schedule an appt today at

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Fight Against Hunger | Central Illinois Foodbank

Help Us in the Fight Against Hunger
The Central Illinois Foodbank needs our help even more during the Summer.

Help us FILL our reception area with the items they need!
Now Through June 10th, 2016

All Non-Patients
Bring in items worth $10 or more & receive a full exam complete with x-rays (if needed)
Walton Clinic  |  1229 S. 6th St., Springfield, IL  |  544-4000

Walton Clinic Logo.jpgFood Bank.jpeg

Foods Needed      Non-Food Grocery Items
Canned Vegetables         Soap
Canned Fruit        Shampoo
Canned Meat        Laundry Detergent
Boxed Meals (that require only water)         Deodorant
Peanut Butter & Jelly       Diapers
Pop Top Tuna        Tooth Paste
Graham Crackers
Fruit Cups
100% Fruit Juice Boxes
Granola Bars (without peanuts) Items They Cannot Use
Soup Expired Items
Cereal (low sugar - Cheerios) Rusty Cans
Instant Oatmeal Unlabeled Products
Alcoholic Beverage
Homemade Items
Opened or Used Items

Monday, May 2, 2016

Probiotics Gut Health & Depression???

By now you may have heard of probiotics.  Simply, they are the "GOOD" bacteria that live in your intestines (gut).  We all need them, but most of us don't have them in the proper amount.  Here's a quick video showing some new research on their importance.  

Contact the doctors at Walton Clinic in Springfield, IL for more information on other ways to fight depression or to schedule a FREE consultation.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Importance of Your Nervous System

How important is it to take care of your Nervous System?  Watch the short video from Dr. Matt Link at the Walton Clinic to discover why.  

#WaltonClinicCanHelp #YourFamilyChiro #Springfield
Walton Clinic of Chiropractic, Springfield, IL Chiropractor

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

NEWS STORY - Ear Infections & Chiropractic

Healthy Kids = Happier Moms!!!  We've seen families come in in a state of despair b/c their child is in pain & doesn't sleep.  It's frustrating b/c as a parent, you don't know what to do.  You know that antibiotics shouldn't be the answer b/c you've read that too much can harm your child....but your pediatrician doesn't have anything else to offer.  #WaltonClinicCanHelp #YourFamilyChiro #Springfield  *P.S. insurance typically does help kids in need of Chiropractic care!  Just ask the team at Walton Clinic of Chiropractic, Springfield, IL.

Monday, March 28, 2016

What Texting Does to Your Neck....

Have you ever wondered what texting does to your neck?  
Probably not....but, you may want to watch this.

The doctors at the Walton Clinic of Chiropractic in Springfield, IL see many people DAILY who's health has been improved by helping them restore proper positioning and function of their spine.  
Contact us for more info or to schedule a consultation at no charge.  or  (217) 544-4000

That Should Fix It?

Does this really "FIX" the problem???

Contact us at Walton Clinic of Chiropractic, Springfield, IL
(217) 544-4000

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Spinal Fusion Surgery?

WHAT THE.....?! This is what a typical spinal fusion surgery looks like. *warning: video may be graphic for some. Let's cover some reasons why this surgery makes NO sense.

1) There is ABSOLUTELY no research spinal fusion benefits a person (long term) UNLESS the spine is unstable. I hope most people plan on living long after they've had surgery.

2) The spine isn't moving/functioning properly which caused the herniation, degeneration, arthritis, etc in the first place. So, let's FUSE the spine to further prevent motion in the spine because that's going to help the problem????

3) Spinal surgeries have proven SOOOO successful over the years...right? Oh, so that's why the MAJOR INSURANCE companies had to create a specific code for FAILED BACK SURGERY.

4) Traditionally, the need for spinal surgery is based on the presence of a disc herniation confirmed on MRI, YET, research has shown time and time again that (conservatively) 60% of the population have DISC BULGES (confirmed on MRI) and have NO back pain whatsoever. Maybe it's not the bulge that's causing the problem???

5) Research continues to show that conservative care, i.e. Chiropractic and Physical Therapy (restoring proper motion & strengthening the musculature respectively) combined provide better long term outcomes in not only reducing pain, but increasing function and stopping and reversing the degenerative process.

6) We hear time and time again "Well, my insurance will pay for the surgery but will only cover a limited number of treatments for Chiropractic & PT." THIS is why your insurance rates continue to skyrocket. You elect to have a surgery which costs thousands of dollars and your insurance company pays for it. Insurance companies are in the business to make MONEY....NOT to make sure you're healthy. YOUR job is to make sure you're healthy.

Do you need any more reasons NOT to have spinal surgery, because I can keep going???
#WaltonClinicCanHelp #YourFamilyChiro #Springfield
*SCHEDULE a FREE consultation TODAY.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

I Wish I Would Have....

Have you ever looked back at your younger years and said to yourself, "I wish I would have (insert comment here)."  You see, we hear this a lot at the Walton Clinic, mostly when it pertains to a patient's spine, posture, and over all health.  

Let me give you an example.  Recently, a new patient came to us with pain and stiffness in her neck, upper back, shoulder and had numbness going all the way to her fingertips.  She's in her early 30's, and at that age we all believe that we shouldn't have any problems until we're older.  She had no recent injury.  She mentioned she played sports growing up, but again, had no injury.  Sure, she had some bumps and bruises a long the way, but hey kids heal...right?  She stated she always knew she had a 'slight' scoliosis (improper curvature of the spine), but didn't think it ever affected her.  Now, back to her current complaints.  "It just came out of nowhere," she says.  You would not believe how many times we hear this a day.

In actuality, 90% of people's aches, pains....poor health don't just come out of nowhere.  Think about it.  Someone doesn't just get out of shape or overweight overnight.  It's an accumulation of not eating healthy or not exercising or both for months or years.  People don't just wake up with heart disease or high cholesterol.  Again, it's years of breakdown that occurs.
Poor posture may reveal potential future health problems.

So, when it comes to the patient I referred to earlier, I'm confident that had she had her spine checked by a Pediatric Chiropractor, who deals specifically with proper spine alignment and motion, nervous system function and their relation, at a younger age she would most likely not be experiencing her current aches and pains.  She'd be able to sleep comfortably at night and she'd be able to play with her young children without stopping due to pain.  She'd be able to enjoy life.

Do you want the most for your child/children?  Give them the best opportunity to have a healthy nervous system.  Get them checked by a Pediatric Chiropractor.  You get their teeth checked.  Your get their lungs and heart checked.  You get their ears and eyes checked.  Doesn't it make sense to get their spine and nerve system checked???  It just happens to control all other parts of their entire body.

Have questions regarding Chiropractic for KIDS or ADULTS?  Contact our office today to schedule a FREE consultation.  (217) 544-4000 or

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Medical Errors Kill 440,000 Americans Per Year???

Medical errors kill 440,000 Americans per year???  Click here to read the full article.

Yeeeeooow!  This stat has gone up.  Last report from several years ago was 225,000.

A little perspective: This would equate to about 670+ Boeing 747s full of people crashing....each year.  Would you fly if this were the case?

Let's say these were Chiropractic patients, and just .001% die from a Chiropractic adjustment.  That would be 4.4 people per year.  Chiropractors would be out of business if this were the case.  

It seems most people's fears develop from what they've heard, not from what is true or what they've actually experienced.  Chiropractic (as a profession) has been around for over 120 years and has been proven over and over to be safe and effective.  If Chiropractic were killing 4 people per year it would 1) be national headlines and 2) no longer be a profession.

Now, we're not saying 'don't go to the hospital.'  But we encourage you to look at more natural and obviously safer options especially before undergoing the risk of surgery.