Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Listen To Your Body

Is your body 'speaking to you?'  Whether you're an expecting mother or not, it's good practice to take a moment to 'listen' to your body.  Making a regular habit of this, you will often times know when something isn't just right.  Time and time again we hear our patients tell us something to the affect of "such and such has been going on for a long time, but it comes and goes."  Or, they may say "I just got used to the pain."  Your body will give you little warning signals of a a fire alarm going off in your house.  Aches and pains are the most obvious signs, but you'd do well to consider indigestion or other digestive issues, cramping, tingling/numbness, etc.
We've found that when our expecting mothers are getting adjusted, they become more aware of their bodies and how they respond.  This also holds true for others as well.  This is because your nervous system, which controls EVERY aspect of how your body functions and responds, is functioning at a higher level.  This is increasingly important for new parents as they are functioning at a higher level, they are able to respond to the needs of their newborn better.

If you would like to get you or your child checked, contact our office today.  For more information, go to

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I've Tried Everything

At least 5-6 times per week, the doctors at Walton Clinic hear "I've tried everything, and my pain (problem, etc.) has not gone away." After a thorough conversation, we discover the things they tried or the recommendations that were made to them did not get down to the root or  the CAUSE of their problem.  They were merely pushed out the door with something that masks the symptoms they are experiencing.  

Symptoms DO NOT equal cause.  Symptoms are the RESULT of some sort of DYS-function.  Drs. Adrian Walton and Matt Link are trained to get to the CAUSE of the problem.  If that problem is something we can help correct, we let our patients know.  If it's not, we do our best for each patient to find the help they need.  

If you would like more info about our office, visit our website